Wednesday, May 20, 2015

My Dream of Playing on the David Letterman Show!

Hi everyone,

I Want to Play on Your Show
Yes, today is the last day for David Letterman to be on the air.
Hopefully, Bill Murray convinced David to change his mind about retiring after his rally last night!

One of my dreams was to play on the David Letterman show.
I always loved his style of comedy, and I like how he treats his performers.
I am also a hoosier girl, and I was born in the same hospital as David Letterman.   My father, Sayers J  Miller, was inducted into the Ball State University Athletic Hall of Fame - year 2000.

My father was also the first athletic trainer to be employed at Ball State University.
So, I have roots in Muncie and Ball State University.

I have made my living as a professional musician and artist my entire life.  I have played close to 4,000 professional gigs, and I have played a few tours (bass for the Hendrix family Guitar Competition Tour, etc.)  I have released five CDs, and I'm currently working on my new CD titled: 'Listen People'.

My new song, 'I Want to Play on Your Show!' popped into my head in March, and we completed the video for it the first weekend in May.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that David Letterman will change his mind and not retire, or he will be so bored when he is retired that he will want to come back to TV land, and then..... I can
still play on the David Letterman show!  'I Want to Play on Your Show!'
We love you David Letterman.  Thank you for the entertainment! #David Letterman #ThanksDave
Laurie Miller

Monday, May 11, 2015

Fun Video - David Letterman - 'I Want to Play on Your Show!'

Good Monday Morning everyone!

We finished the video for the 'I Want to Play on Your Show!' song!
It features Bag Face Girlfriend and a few other friends.
David Letterman and I were born in the same hospital in Indiana.
Yes, I'm a hoosier!
'I Want to Play on Your Show!'
I've always admired how open minded David is towards all styles of music.
David Letterman also appears to always be genuinely kind and appreciative
to the wide variety of performers who play on his show.
There are only eight more days till David Letterman retires!
So, hey David Letterman, 'I Want to Play on Your Show!'
Check out the video and share with your friends if you like it!
Thank you, xoxox Laurie Miller

Top Ten List: Things We Like About David Letterman!

  1. Kindness to all his performers
  1. His Smile
  1. His Humor
  1. He’s From Indiana
  1. Paul Shaffer
  1. His Microphone on his Desk
  1. Stupid Pet Tricks
  1. Stupid Human Tricks
  1. Viewer Mail
  1. Suit of Velcro