Hi everyone, time flies when you're having fun. Okay, when you are still working 24/7/365. Currently Michael is a tremendous help when it comes to getting my Facebook Fan page promoted, updating my art site, and helping to get my music out in general. He is also going to play violin with me at the Bellevue Arts Festival - Saturday, July 30th at 4 pm. Carol will be joining us on percussion. It should be fun. This will be the first original gig I've played in awhile.
Here is the link to my Facebook fanpage: Laurie Miller Facebook fanpage. To become a fan, go to the page, and PUSH the 'Like' button. Thanks for the support.
I'm also getting all of my art prices reposted to my new art web site that Michael is building for me too. www.lauriemillermodernart.com. We are still building the site, and we have four more categories to complete. We are also going to include a new category of miniature acrylic paintings - $20.00 each. The art with this posting - Green Hills is one of the miniatures for sell.
I know I have more to say, but I'm fading. I'll post sooner next time I promise. Nighty night. xxooo Laurie
My song Take My Hand is linked to this blog posting.
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