Hi Everyone! I hope you are all well? My sleep pattern has been thrown way off lately, and I think it is due to my cold medicine. I've been falling asleep around 4, 5, or 6 am, and then I only sleep for a couple of hours before I wake up. My cold is getting better. I just have that wonderful nagging cough left. I taught a ton of piano and one violin lesson today, thus is my inspiration for my blog posting tonight. Hopefully I can read a little bit before passing out tonight. My friend Carol gave me the 'Eat, Pray, Love' book by Elizabeth Gilbert over two years ago, and I've been stuck in India, which is the middle of the book,
for sometime now. I really want to finish reading the book before the movie version, staring Julia Roberts, premieres.
Nighty night. xxoo
Creative Harmony
Creative harmony with intention
Lay your ego aside
Return to your melody
Reorganize your leading tones
Make sure they are compatible
With their corresponding chord tones
Listen carefully
Again and again
To see if this is the sound
You want to send
Into the universe
Listen to the music
Forward and reverse
Edit your tune carefully
Shifting a measure or two
Add in a 6th, 7th, 9th or 13th
Be at peace with the harmony
You created today
Copyright 2010 - LAM
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