Laurie Miller is a recording artist, bass player, singer/songwriter, music teacher, artist, and writer. In Laurie Miller's Artistic Life blog I will talk a little about my daily life, but my main goal for this blog is to share my creativity. Thanks for looking and reading. xxoo Laurie
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sweet Kismet
Hola. Ah, I can't wait to get a more than three hours of sleep tonight. Michael wanted to go to the casino tonight to spread his 21 year old wings, so we went to Tulalip Casino for a couple of hours. We played the penny slot machines, but we didn't win anything. Oh well, maybe another time lady luck will visit us. Nighty night. xxoo
Sweet Kismet
Sweet kismet
Kiss my bets
Bring lush compensation
For hours of dedicated meditation
Graffiti on the wall
Predicts a new call
Optimism paints
The curve of my mouth
I lift myself up and start anew
I turn and shout
To sweet kismet my friend
To take my hand
Let us roam the land
Copyright 2010 - LAM
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Fingers Choice
Hi Everyone. Home safe from my gig with Blue 55 at the Viking Restaurant in Stanwood. Last night I played with Brainstorm at the New CA in Marysville. Sleeping in tomorrow is bringing surges of joy to my body, so night night. xxooo
Finger Choices
Finger choices
Counting them together
Adding them up
They are light as a feather
Irreparable consequences
Sitting on the cold floor
Waiting till a new choice
Opens the door
Copyright 2010 - LAM
Friday, May 28, 2010
Lizard Brain
Buenos Noches! I'm very dizzy and about to pass out, so I'm going to make this quick. I taught lessons today, and then played what seemed to be an extremely long gig tonight with Tim Turner and Billy Spaulding. If I still have a pulse by Sunday it will be a miracle.
Lizard Brain
Lizard brain, lizard brain
Why do you seem insane
Doing the same thing
One million times
Producing the same results
Is proof of this claim
Lizard brain, lizard brain
Maybe, just maybe
Take a new train
Okay, maybe a plane
Copyright 2010 - LAM
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Hi Everybody! Okay, I missed my blog posting last night, but it was because I went to see the 'Eagles' last night at the Key Arena. They sounded great with their five part harmonies and signature guitar riffs. I also had a chance to wear my new white scrunchy dress which looked great. All of this working out everyday if finally paying off. Off to my super busy day: cleaning house for Michael's 21st birthday party, teaching a group keyboard class, teaching a private lesson, and then a gig which I don't get home till 2 am from. I'm making some super strong coffee to help see me through. Have a nice day! xxoo
Celebrate the music
In each and every sound
Celebrate the colors
Your world they surround
Celebrate a touch
It may be your last
Celebrate your friends
To help lighten your path
Celebrate your breath
Which brought you here from afar
Celebrate your heart
Protect it and don’t tear it apart
Copyright 2010 - LAM
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Rose Man
Hi Everyone! I know I missed another blog posting yesterday, but I haven't been feeling well. It is Michael's birthday this week, yahooey! Technically I popped him out (okay he was a c-section baby) on May 27th in Oakland, CA. Like I said before my son, Michael, is the greatest blessing I have experienced in this life. He is such a quality human being, and I am honored to share my life with him. We went to see Clash of the Titans in 3D Sunday evening to celebrate his birthday. The story is based loosely on the Greek mythological story of Perseus's battle with Medusa to save the city of Argos.
My blog posting tonight is inspired by the first rose to bloom from my garden this spring. My son and I have been planting roses in our front yard to honor my mother's passing for a few years now. I swear they are the sweetest smelling roses ever. It is probably the goat manure in the dirt which contributes to the beautiful aroma. hee hee. Night night. xxoo
Rose Man
Rose man
Rose man
What do you
Want from me
To bring me a new perfume
Or to harm me with
Your sweetly disguised thorns
To create joy and happiness
Of to wreak havoc
And leave a new mess
Rose man
Rose man
Should I take a chance
On a paradoxical romance
Rose man
Rose man
Maybe we should
Begin again
With a more intimate dance
Moving to the rhythm of honesty
Copyright 2010 - LAM
Monday, May 24, 2010
Balancing on a Fence
Hola! Okay, well I missed my blog posting yesterday due to utter exhaustion. I really need to find a way to recharge my energy while having to work everyday, sometimes 16 or more hours per day. I'm going to try and get some rest now before my hectic new week arrives. My posting for tonight was inspired by my feelings. Nighty night. xxoo
Balancing on a Fence
Balancing on a fence
For a great big carp
Of an answer
Should I give into my needs
And fall 1000 feet
To where I’ve been before
Or should I net some super glue
And stick the bottom of my shoes
With honor and value for myself
And maybe catch a giant whale
Filled with faith
Gliding over the waves of life
While holding onto its tail
Copyright 2010 - LAM
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Lights Out
Hola! Okey dokey.
Another super duper sloppy quickie! I played a gig with Brianstorm tonight after teaching today, and I can't feel my left arm. It was fun. We rocked out! My friend Marky Mark suggested my blog title for tonight, 'Lights Out.' I have my title and David Cook's name linked to his song 'Come Back to Me.' David is now one of my new favorite artist.
Nighty Night. xxoo
Lights Out
Lights out
What is this about?
A mystery of sorts
Which can cause blue doubt
I decided to change my mind
Not always
Just some of the time
Trying to walk my path
But alas,
I’ve taken the shortcut
Through the grass
Lights out
Blue doubt
Lights out
What is this about?
As Copyright 2010 - LAM
David Cook,
Friday, May 21, 2010
Rainbow Luck
Okay, I'm ready to fall over. I taught a group lesson, private lessons, and then played my gig with Timmy Turner & Billy Spaulding at the Redline in West Seattle. It was a fun jam. A lot of very talented and nice people showed up. The weather here in Seattle has been really strange lately, (or normal for Florida), clear sunny and blue skies in the morning and then overcast and raining the afternoon on. Thus, driving to my gig tonight I spotted a beautiful rainbow which is my blog inspiration for tonight/morning. Nighty night. xxxoooo
Rainbow Luck
I spy a rainbow
Touching the sky
A warm smile my body sighs
A rainbow fills the universe with hope
That someday soon
I will find a pot a gold
And a bowl of stew
Copyright 2010 - LAM
Seattle Mariners,
Tim Turner,
West Seattle
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Which Mask?
Hola! Okay, I'm running on empty. I really need to recharge my battery soon. I ended up staying up till 5:30 or 6 am reading, so not only am I going to hit the hay soon but I'm going to pound it. 'Sex and The City' reruns have been playing in the background while I've been creating my blog posting. I really enjoy this show because the women exude high self esteem. Right on! The movie 'Sex and the City 2' will be in theaters on May 28th. Nighty night! xxoo
Which Mask?
Which mask should I wear today?
Happy, sad,
Or the mask designated for the month of May
The masks are constructed
From wood, glass,
And sometimes clay
My masks help me through
Difficult times
and hide my true feelings
From being on display
Copyright 2010 - LAM
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Lost in the Detours
Hi Everyone. I've been meaning to mention my shock and dismay concerning the Nashville flooding which began on May 2nd. I stayed at the Opryland Hotel, where my father had been honored and inducted into a Sports Medicine Hall of Fame. The Opryland word links to a youtube video which explains how the flooding happened. My heart goes out to everybody in Nashville. My blog posting was inspired by my emotion of 'feeling rather blue' today. Nighty night. xxoo
Lost in the Detours
Lost in the detours
And roadblocks of my life
Which twist
Which turn
Will lead me to less strife
In need of a sign
Or a big neon arrow
To help
Prevent me from traveling
To where the road detrimentally narrows
Copyright 2010 - LAM
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Door Number 1, 2 or 3......
Hola! Okay, it happened to me again, I laid down for five minutes and fell asleep with the light on. I did create this posting before I passed out last night, so I'll do a new one this evening for todays posting. I taught a few lessons yesterday, but I must be fighting a bug since I've been exceptionally tired lately. I guess it is good thing, because I'm finally getting some rest. Here is last night's blog posting which was inspired by a thought that popped into my head.
Door Number 1, 2, or 3….
Door number 1, 2, or 3
Which will it be?
Stop, reboot, and breathe
Irreversible a decision need not be
Consequences may have occurred
But as long as you weren’t eliminated
You can buy a new choice
Step up and pick again
Which will it be?
Door number 1, 2, or 3
Copyright 2010 - LAM
Monday, May 17, 2010
Feeling Strange
Howdy. Okay, I missed my Saturday the 15th of May posting due to passing out on my bed with my light on. On Friday I worked for almost 16 hours with a majority of the work being physical in nature. I taught a few lessons yesterday and then passed out, and then I taught a few more lessons today. Yesterday my violin student Carla wanted to learn Kashmir. I never played the song before, but after going over it a few times I was able to play the song on the violin. It was fun jamming with Led Zepplin. Tonight's blog posting is inspired by my feelings and my weird drawing I created tonight. Nighty night. xxoo
Feeling Strange
Feeling strange
Coping with pain
Due to a self imposed
Lack of distraction
From my grief
Long buried
Deep inside of me
I finally have the courage
To open the closet
And let out the gunk residing in there
It stinks a lot
And angers me even more
Copyright 2010 - LAM
Friday, May 14, 2010
Silly Stars
Hola! Okay. Another unlubricated super quickie posting. Arriving home from my gig with Tim Turner and Billy Spaulding at the Redline in West Seattle, I looked up at the beautiful clear sky filled with random stars and constellations. Therefore, tonight's blog posting is inspired by the stars. I have a 16 hour day tomorrow, and need to get some shut eye, so......
Nighty night. xxoo
Silly Stars
Silly stars
Smiling so wide
Friends with the cool moon
Who controls the earth’s tides
Silly stars laughing
At some jokes
In the vast dark skies
Beautifying the night
Lending mystery to our lives
Copyright 2010 - LAM
Thursday, May 13, 2010
The Chicken or the Egg?
Hola. Well I stayed up till 5 am reading this morning, so yeah, I'm beat. I taught bass, piano, and guitar today. I've also been increasing my daily exercise to get ready for my music videos I plan on making this summer. I still need a few more hours in a row so I can figure out the music posting to my blog. I can't wait till I add the creative music element to my blog.
This posting was inspired by a drawing of an egg I found. Nighty night. xxoo
The Chicken or The Egg
Which came first
The chicken or the egg?
Wikipedia bets on the egg
Hindu mythology claims
We originated from the ‘cosmic egg’
Miss Salks, a modern philosopher of sorts
States the egg existed for other species
Before the chicken
And finally Mr. Darwin
Concludes with his Theory of Evolution
The egg came first
I say scramble some chicken
Into the egg
Eat it for breakfast and see
What you say
What came first the chicken or the egg?
Copyright 2010 - LAM
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Debussy Debussy
Hi! Sunday night while I was writing my blog, the beautiful harmonies of Debussy's La Mer (The Sea) filled the air waves. Laying down and closing my eyes I was transported to the center of a wonderful dream. So, tonight's blog posting is inspired by the French Impressionist composer Claude Debussy. I have enjoyed the soothing, peaceful, and romantic music of Debussy since I was in high school. Debussy's Reverie is one of my favorite songs to play on the piano. Maybe I'll try transferring it to the bass someday. Nighty night. xxoo
Debussy Debussy
Debussy Debussy
What do you see
In your impressionistic musings
Climbing the whole tone scale
In new ways
While Turner listens through his
Watercolor haze
Perfecting your harmonic chemistry
With successions of floating chords
Looking for their 3rds
In incomprehensible Symbolist words
Enchanting Eastern modes
Expressing elusive impressions
Of your dreams
This to you Debussy
Is what your music means
Copyright 2010 - LAM
Claude Debussy,
La Mer,
Monday, May 10, 2010
Upside Downside
Hi everyone! I created this posting last night, but I fell asleep before I posted it. My son and I went for a nice 2.5 mile hike yesterday, and then I taught a few lessons. After capturing some much needed rest last night, I'm feeling loads better today. Yeah! My poem and illustration were inspired by a book I'm reading, 'The Seat of the Soul.' Have a nice day! xxoo
Upside Downside
Upside downside
Inside outside
Splintered parts of my personality
I try to combine
The strongest pieces of me
Will make my choices
Leaving me with a pile of karmic consequences
If I don’t carefully listen to my
Positive inner voices
Copyright 2010 - LAM
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day!
To all mothers out there in the universe: Happy Mother's Day! Most of us originated from a mother, although I know there are some petri dish people out there. My mother passed away from a brain aneurysm a few years ago, and not a day goes by where I don't think about her and have an attitude of gratitude for all the love she gave my son and I. I finished my gig with Tim Turner and Nelson at the Wild Vine in Mill Creek a couple of hours ago. I'm feeling a little blue however, because I'm sleep deprived and tired. My good friend Marky Mark came to enjoy the gig. My poem and illustration are inspired by my mother and my son. The illustration depicts my mother, who was a physical therapist (specializing in working with cerebral palsy children) and my son when he was a newborn baby. I know my creations are very simpleton in formation for this posting, but I really need to get some rest to be able to create at a higher level. Hopefully someday soon I'll be blessed with a miracle, some help, andd some time to recover my energy. Nighty night! xxoo
My Mother and Son
My mother and son
The two people
Whose understanding of me is unparalleled
The two people
Who I love the most
For my mother and my son
I feel buckets of ceaseless gratitude,
And I thank the universe profusely
For sending to me these kind blessings
They were and are
The only reasons I’m still alive
Copyright 2010 - LAM
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Humm Diddily Doo
Hi everyone! I taught guitar, piano, violin, and group keyboard lessons today, and I played a four hour gig with Brainstorm in Renton at the Williams Ave. Pub. I think I only obtained two hours of sleep last night, so I better 'hit the hay' soon. This posting is inspired by tonight's gig. I wish I could elaborate more, but I don't want to tread on any toes. What happened when I hurt my toe? I called a toe truck. (hee hee) Nighty night. xxxooxo
Humm Diddily Doo
Humm diddily doo
Humm diddily day
Patiently waiting
For what I know is coming my way
Humm diddily doo
Humm diddily day
Trying to stay positive
Even while I’m surrounded by gray
Other people’s limitations
They try to impose my way
But they don’t understand
I’ve already been far from where
They now see
That is what is so amusing to me
I keep quiet and let them
Think they know it all
While all along
I’ve already sang this same song
While swimming the front crawl
Humm diddily doo
Humm diddily day
Copyright 2010 - LAM
Friday, May 7, 2010
Peppy Penguin
Hola! I had a fun tonight jamming at the Redline with Tim Turner and Billy Spaulding. However, now I can barely keep my eyes open. I took an antihistamine last night, and though my lungs feel better, antihistamine stays in my system and makes me very sleepy. Okay here is a bit of personal information; if I had my choice, I would stay in bed forever and sleep at least 20 hours per day/night. I enjoy dreaming more than 'almost' anything else in life. mmmmm. Long day tomorrow, so nighty night. xxoo
Peppy Penguin
Peppy penguin
Pirouetting across the floor
Peppy penguin
Is never a bore
Always a joke
On Peppy’s tongue
Peppy is forever young
Copyright 2010 - LAM
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Bonzo the Pug
Hi Everyone! I'm brain dead tonight, alright, I know, what's new? My bff Cindi took me to Tulalip Casino last night for my belated birthday dinner/gambling/fun night! We had a blast! Here in Washington they have casinos on indian reservation land. I've played music at the club inside Tulalip several times, and then I played bass at the outdoor amphitheater opening for Tommy Tutone and The Knack a few years ago. I have a tagged photo on Facebook for that gig. Tommy asked Sally and I to sing back up for the Tommy Tutone band since we were already on stage, which we did, "8675309999. "
Anyway, I missed my blog posting yesterday, because once Cindi started gambling at penny slots she didn't want to stop, and by the time I arrived home I was beyond tired. My inspiration for my blog tonight is dedicated to Cindi's dog who passed away a couple of weeks ago. Nighty night. xxoo
Bonzo the Green Pug
Bonzo the green pug
Waiting for a hug
Where is her master hiding?
In whom should
She be confiding
Bonzo’s tummy is grumbling
Alas, she hears a distant humming
Someone is bringing Bonzo a bone
Yahoo, food and company
She will no longer be alone
Copyright 2010 - LAM
The Knack,
Tommy Tutone,
Tulalip Casino
Monday, May 3, 2010
Should I Close My Eyes
Hi everyone! I taught some piano lessons today, and then I played a gig in Des Moines at The Lighthouse with Tim Turner and Billy Spaulding. Playing music in bars is a hard life, maybe someday soon I can find a different environment to play music in. Anyway, since arriving home an hour ago these words popped into my head along with a melody. Nighty night. xxoo
Should I Close My Eyes
Should I close my eyes
To the truth
Should I turn my back on me
Should I pretend
Everything is okay
While you keep disrespecting me
How far should I bend
To keep the fragile peace
How much should I take
You keep pushing my boundaries
Your addictions have
Turned your heart cold
You won’t listen to me
Your addictions have made you
Emotionally unavailable to everyone
But you can’t see
Should I close my eyes
To the truth
Should I blindly believe
Should I close my eyes to the truth
Should I betray me
Copyright 2010 - LAM
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Sitting in a Tree
Hola. Well, I really wrote and drew this blog posting last night, but I fell asleep before posting. I'm finally getting about four or five hours of sleep per night. Much better than the two or three hours of sleep I was getting per night for about the entire previous month. Right now I'm posting in between teaching my music students and then I have my gig tonight at the Lighthouse in Des Moines with Tim Turner and Billy Spaulding. This posting was inspired by how I was feeling last night. Have a nice day!
Sitting in a Tree
Sitting in a tree
Feeling a little bit blue
Trying to free my mind
From thinking about you
But alas,
I know the truth
Relationships are a reflection
About how I feel about me
So change my mind
Change my life
Sitting in a tree
Maybe someday
I’ll climb down
Trying again
Maybe I’ll evolve
To some form of strange wildlife
Copyright 2010 - LAM
Feeling blue,
sitting in a tree,
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